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Jenna Bienvenue

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Singer, Dancer, Actor


Hey there! I am so glad you made it to my website! I am a passionate singer, dancer, and actor who made the leap from Manchester, NH, to the vibrant streets of New York City!! Since the age of 4, I always loved standing on tables and singing through hairbrush microphones...and my parents knew then and there that I belonged on stage and I haven't stopped performing since!

Since graduating college in 2023, I have had the opportunity to work consistently at a few regional theatres that I could call a second home!

When I’m not performing, you can find me indulging in my love for pickles, doggo snuggles or being the coolest auntie to one of my 6 nieces and nephews!!

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At Goodspeed Musicals

News Article

"See if you can guess this storyline: Small town girl with dreams the size of a Broadway stage finally makes her way to the Big Apple – but she doesn’t forget where she cut her musical theater teeth, and returns to take a big bite out of the smaller but no less significant apple, center stage, a star on the rise." -Carol Robidoux



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